Contact Hangzhou Xinhua Chemical Fibre Weaving Co.,Ltd. »  Find Companies in Karachi - Find Companies and Local Businesses in Karachi 2019

Hangzhou Xinhua Chemical Fibre Weaving Co.,Ltd.

Textile Products, Bedding

We are the manufacturer of mattress ticking fabrics made of different yarns such as cotton,polyester,polypropylene,viscose or a blend of one or more of these. Our products have the width of 210-230cm. Our products are enjoying popularity in Asian markets with superb quality,fashionable design and competitive price, we have a good variety of colors and pattens to meet your different needs.

Tags: Bedding, Bed Sheets,

Wangjiaqiao,Yiqiao Town, Xiaoshan Area,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China, Hang Zhou 311262, Zhejaing, China

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